
Nishi-azabu, Tokyo/2016.12


2017 Firm of the Year


    • PJB Barはある有名なミュージシャンが運営プロデュースするBarである。Barとしてオーセンティックな設えをベースにしながらも、現代の技術を活かし、マテリアルのポテンシャルを引き出す使い方を意識した。そのミュージシャンが培った膨大かつ基礎的なスキルと、今もなお愛される先進性を表現することを目指したためだ。


      PJB Bar is a Bar that is dedicated to one musician. It is based on an authentic taste, yet by maximizing the modern technology, we were conscious of deriving the potentials of each material. Our goal was to express progressiveness of this musician who has fostered massive fundamental skills for over years and still endeared to people around the world.
      Steel and stones are used for materials to express highly sophisticated method such as utilizing horizontals and verticals consciously and providing fine carvings. We ensured high quality wood, leather and fabric, frequently utilized them where customers could actually reach. Canted wall covered with mirrors and randomly placed mirror shelf boards all have the effective techniques to maximize the small space.
      Chandeliers that seem to float in air and shelf boards for Bar counter will increase extraordinary atmosphere. We were able to create with similar tense feeling of silence and anticipation intertwining, just before this musician is about to hit the notes. Even if he is little known, bar clients will gather here and appreciate his enticing view of the world.

      < Aiji Inoue/Doyle Collection co. ltd. >